Improving lives on a global scale

Through collaborative basic research, Purdue faculty, students and Eli Lilly and Company have the opportunity to turn bold ideas into game-changing treatments, so people have a chance at better health.

Advancing medicine together

Researchers in the collaboration
graduate students directly engaged in research aligned with Lilly’s priority areas

Our Research

Purdue and Lilly are determined to discover the next generation of game-changing treatments by pursuing new technologies to advance research in every phase, from discovery to delivery. In the LPRC, research is conducted both through the formal strategic research collaboration and the opportunities for exploration of aligned research areas of genetic medicine, intrathecal delivery and nanoparticle drug delivery.

Student Engagement

Lilly and Purdue continue to work on curricula, experiential learning, and certificate and degree programs to grow pharmaceutical manufacturing in Indiana and expand Purdue’s talent pipeline to the company.

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